Graphics Designer Cover Letter Sample and Format for Upwork

Interested to know the hidden tips?

Are you interested to know the hidden tips to write a killer cover letter of Graphic Designer? Yes, you are absolutely in right place here. You will get all the tricks and attractive rules to write a breath taking cover letter for your purpose. We will provide you with all the strategy so that your cover letter may attract your recruiter’s attention to you. Follow us and your cover letter will distinguish you from the others.

First, Know about Graphic Design

Before learning the rules of writing a cover letter especially for Graphic Designer you must know at first what Graphic Design actually means to get an idea of what your recruiter wants from you.
Okay, Graphic Designing actually indicates conveying your message or ideas through graphic images using visual media. Every Graphic Designing work will tell you a story through images with the purpose of promoting products, activities, ideas or communication. It also includes Using HTML coding for e-mail invitations and announcement, Experience producing brochures, advertisements and newsletters, Strong creativity and mastery of a variety of graphic design software.
So, when you are applying for such task, your cover letter is the most important part of your interview process. That is why you may utilize your creativity as a designer here in writing a cover letter also. Design your cover letter in an attractive and smart way so that your recruiter gets pleased at first glance. Now, let’s see two samples of a good cover letter of Graphic Designer.

#01. Graphic Designer Cover Letter Sample for Upwork & Freelancer 

Dear Mr, Clare
I have learnt through your circular that your graphics department currently needs a professional designer with demonstrated creativity and technical skills along with a strong desire to continue learn and to succeed. In response of it I am offering myself for the vacant post. I have a sharp proficiency with web design software and design program. I have satisfied most of my clients with my creativity. Graphics design is an art by which one can easily express so many meanings of it. It adds so many extra outlook to an ordinary creation. I am ready to provide all types of graphics regarding logo, banner, animation, cartoon, 3D images, etc.
Please consider the following aptitudes of me as a candidate:
  • A Master of Fine Arts with Bachelor degree in the specific subject of Graphic Designing.
  • Thesis on advertising photographs on cultural program.
  • Adeptness of Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Image Ready, CSS, Word Press, Quark Xpress web etc.
  • Admirable achievement in team management and Customer Care.
  • Agility in visual strategy, layout development and electronic
  • Three years of practical experience in Graphic Designing and animation program.
  • Passion for designing and creative work.
Besides, I have a number of graphics works online that I have done in these years. I have attached the link of these portfolios that will help you get a clear idea of my creativity. My educational and professional experiences prove the eligibility of my work. I firmly believe to be able to be an asset for your project.
You may also review my resume attached here. Please feel free to contact me if you have anything to know about me. I am always available in my email and skype.
Thank you for kind considering. I’ll be waiting for your response for further process.
Yours Faithfully

#02. Graphic Designer Cover Letter Sample for Organization

In this case you must follow some traditional rules and format for your cover letter. Generally, a small, simple but effective cover letter is required in such phase. So, you must make it brief and go with only the required information just as your client demand like the format below of an organizational jobs’ cover letter:
Your Name:
Your Address:
Your Email:
Your Phone:
Employer’s Name:
Employer’s Address:
Date: 01-01-2020
Dear [Client Name]
1st Para: The job name you are applying for, job source, your interest, etc2nd Para: Your skills, work experiences, education, and success summary3rd Para: Your goal in this project, your guarantee, honesty, work process and time schedule4th Para: Thanks the client, communication Medias, ready to work
Yours Sincerely
[Your Name]

How to Write the Best Graphic Design Cover Letter

Now let’s learn the tips how to write an outstanding and effective cover letter of Graphic Design.
  • Personalize your letter: Make your letter alive so that throughout the letter the recruiter may feel your presence. You must make a formal presentation of yourself through your letter. So. Outline your cover letter in a way that you are portraying yourself there.
  • Specific Address: It is always better to address your recruiter directly. You must find it out who is actually hiring yourself. Don’t address as “To whom it may concern” or something like that. After all it’s a common addressing. So, in order make a distinguish cover letter avoid these common type of address. Make your research to know about your recruiter and address them specifically.
  • Consistent Writing: Be consistent with your writing from the very first line to the last. You cannot change your style according to your wish. It will greatly damage your letter. So, select your style wisely and represent yourself coherently showing all the best quality you have for the job.
  • Highlight your skill: In your letter you must highlight your skill, your working experience and your academic qualification. Always try to make your reader believe how much you love your work and enjoy it. Express your passion for design.
  • Regarding Portfolio: Okay, to say about portfolio, you need not add it directly with your cover letter. Rather you may highlight your portfolios that you have worked on reassuring your reader about your quality and experience. If you can have any online portfolio, attach the link with your cover letter. It will draw the attention of your recruiter.
  • Recheck: After finishing writing your cover letter, don’t forget to recheck your letter again and again. It will help you find out the errors and to improve your strength of words by editing. Really, it’s a good habit to revise your letter before pressing the send button.
  • Designing: To write a cover letter for Graphic Design, the design of your cover letter itself is very important. So, furnish your language and your letter in an attractive way so that your letter itself says that it’s a letter of design.
  • Give time: Never hurry to write a cover letter. You have to spend enough time to make your letter exclusive and admirable. Think deeply what you should highlight, make an outline, write it carefully and revise it to edit and improve.
So, you see these all are good technique to write a killer cover letter for upwork Graphic Design. Follow these instructions carefully and surely you will be able to write an exclusive cover letter that will bring your fortune.


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